Token Name: Ethereum Name Service
Symbol: ENS
Market Cap: $1,446,825,729 (source: Coin360)
Current Price: $41.16
Maximum Supply: 100,000,000 ENS
Weekly Focus - ENS | Socrates Invest
Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) is revolutionizing Web3 identity by replacing complex blockchain addresses with simple, human-readable names like yourname.eth. Beyond wallet simplification, ENS is paving the way for a unified digital identity in the decentralized world.
Key Features:
Web3 Domains: Secure your unique .eth name to use as a wallet address, profile, or decentralized website.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: ENS integrates with over 750 dApps, wallets, and browsers, including Uniswap and Brave.
Decentralized Governance: The $ENS token empowers holders to vote on protocol upgrades and key decisions.
Multi-Purpose Utility: An ENS name can link to wallets, smart contracts, and even metadata like social media profiles.
ENS is transforming digital ownership and making Web3 more accessible to users globally.
As a Registered Investment Advisor, Socrates Invest can help you assess the role of ENS and other digital assets in your investment strategy. Contact us for a tailored consultation to align your portfolio with your financial goals.
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